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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Homework Virtual Diary!

Our long weekend homework task is well underway and there has been many already shared with me. 
As this task is due on Thursday I thought I would share Poppy Buller's amazing video of her virtual diary to ignite imagination and creativity for those yet to complete the task. 
I look forward to hearing all about everyone's weekend on Thursday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tracking progress in maths

In term 4 we have started using a rubric during maths. This is when we complete a rich task and then self assess where we think we are using a rubric. 

Check out our movement in progress during our current unit on algebraic relationships! We have even begun adding in our own criteria. 

Beginning of the unit

After sessions with Miss Newton and completing our second rich task.

Monday, October 26, 2015

How can we show kaitiakitanga (being a guardian) of NZ?

Our new inquiry topic is a biggy! The children have decided that they wanted to learn more about the sea and pollution after watching this Youtube video about sea turtles in danger! 


Our topic is going to look at the different animals that are affected by pollution in the sea and what action we can take! So far this is the ideas and wonderings of Room 8.

Algebraic Relationships

Our topic over the last two weeks in maths has been all about algebraic relationships. What is that you ask? The main objective we needed to learn about in room 8 was the importance and purpose of an arrow! How does an arrow show relationships? Take a look at our pictures of our learning and see if you can work out how the arrow shows a relationship.

 We love sharing our thinking and learning with our class. We are able to help others to learn and extend our thinking.

 It is also important in room 8 to explain our ideas and how we got to our answers so we stand at the board and explain our thinking.

There has been some excellent thinking going on in room 8!