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Monday, November 9, 2015

Save the sea!

Today was the beginning of our classroom being an 'ocean' and what a successful day! 

We even had two little visitors- much to the delight of the children. 

We are starting a new writing unit all about persuasive letters. 
In our letters we are going to explain why people should not pollute the ocean and the effect this has on the animals we have learnt so much about! 
First was first- we had to find out what persuasive letters where and how to write them. 

Once we had brainstormed some interesting facts and statistics to use in our writing we continued with our must do tasks for the week until....

Mr Kinsey came into our ocean (classroom) and dumped the contents of his rubbish bin! The was not a very popular person in Room 8. The children are writing their letters to him and are going to persuade him to never pollute again. 

Imagine what would happen if the turtles ate this plastic Miss Newton!
The children are loving this inquiry and the amount they are learning is fantastic. 

We will share our finished writing as soon as it is complete. 

1 comment:

  1. Great work girls and boys! I love the new look in your classroom! Lets keep our beautiful beaches clean.
